Vielen Dank an unsere Outdoor-Familie.
Seit der Firmengründung 1989 schlägt unser Herz für den Verkauf von Outdoor-Funktionskleidung, Outdoor-Schuhen und Outdoorzubehörartikeln, sowie Rad- und Laufbekleidung.
AKU Footwear
AKU is proud to be partner of MOUNTAIN SHOP, one of the most relevant and long term outdoor specialists in Germany. During many years of profitable partnership we had the chance to increase the brand value due to the competence and professional skills of passionate people on the floor. We wish to Mountain Shop 30 years more successful story.
MSR is a proud partner of MOUNTAIN SHOP, and congratulates them on their commitment to delivering expert advice and support to the German outdoor industry for the past 30 years.
SALEWA wünscht dem MOUNTAIN-SHOP Team zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum alles Gute. Ein herzliches Dankeschön für die jahrelange, erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Euch!
Cascade Designs wishes our trusted partner MOUNTAIN SHOP a happy 30th anniversary and look forward to the next 30 years working together!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 30- jährigen Jubiläum vom gesamten Deuter Team. Wir freuen uns, schon seit so langer Zeit mit Euch zusammen zu arbeiten und schätzen sehr Eure Kompetenz und Treue zu Deuter.
Care Plus
Care Plus wishes Mountain Shop all the best on its 30th anniversary. Together for a Malaria free world!
As a brand on a mission and together with Mountain Shop and its professional and passionate instore advisors, we work to protect all travellers for safe travels and great stories.
As a brand on a mission and together with Mountain Shop and its professional and passionate instore advisors, we work to protect all travellers for safe travels and great stories.
THERMAREST congratulates MOUNTAIN SHOP on their 30th anniversary! We are proud to work in partnership with a dedicated, hard-working and exciting brand!
Wir gratulieren euch zu eurem 30 jährigen Jubiläum.
A great team that achieves great results.
Happy Anniversary from all the Vipole staff
Happy Anniversary from all the Vipole staff
Rock Empire
Congratulations on your 30th anniversary!! Here’s to 30 more years!
All the best from everyone at Rock Empire
All the best from everyone at Rock Empire
Das Cocoon-Team gratuliert zum 30-Jährigen Bestehen!
BOREAL gratuliert Mountain-Shop zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum!